
7 Summer Safety Tips

Summer is one of the best times to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Whether you’re barbecuing, hiking, or swimming, it’s important to take some basic safety precautions. Let’s get you started in the right direction with some great safety tips so you can enjoy the season!

Water icon Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Your body is prone to sweating when it’s hot and humid which causes your body to lose nutrients quickly.

Sun icon Wear Daily Sunscreen

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends applying sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Since UVB rays cannot completely be blocked by sunscreen, be sure to wear sunglasses, hats, and long sleeve clothing if outdoors for long periods.

Caution sign icon Don’t Overdo It!

Increased humidity and high temps can be dangerous. Take breaks often when outside and seek shade or go indoors, if possible, to keep the body cool.

Leaf icon Eat Healthy

Stop by local produce stands or farmer’s markets. Eating foods with higher water content help keep you hydrated – consider melons, cucumbers, and leafy greens.

Grill icon Grilling

Wash your hands with soap before and after handling raw meat and seafood. Make sure you have clean utensils prior to handling food and the grill has been cleaned.

Snow icon Outdoors

Whether you’re going swimming or hiking, make sure you stay hydrated and keep cool. Remember sunscreen and taking an extra water bottle or two with you.

Bug icon Insect Repellent

Use insect repellent when you may be more susceptible to insects that may carrying diseases. Discard standing water and use long sleeved clothing.